Interim HR Social & People Relations Manager

Interim HR Social & People Relations Manager

Interim management is an effective managerial solution for companies of all sizes to deal with an unprecedented situation, a managerial emergency or to accelerate their transformation.

MANAGERIM, expert in interim management, provides you with interim managers specialized in labor relations everywhere in France and internationally.

Our community of interim managers in the field of social relations is composed of top managers with very sound experience in the field of human resources in terms of legal and social law, social dialogue and a mastery of the various negotiation techniques, a good general economic and political culture as well as the ability to listen, be available and diplomatic.

Our interim managers are men and women selected after a rigorous and demanding process, as much for their expertise as for their interpersonal skills.

The missions of an interim employee relations manager

The interim labor relations manager represents the company in the negotiations with the various employee representative bodies.

The missions vary according to the company and can include various responsibilities:

  • Schedule the various yearly meetings with the staff representative bodies (works council, health, safety and work conditions committee, etc.)
  • Prepare the company's social developments by formulating recommendations in line with the company's strategy, its collective agreement and labor law
  • Informing the various employee representative bodies of the company's regulatory and strategic development projects
  • Deploy a communication strategy to facilitate the adoption of the change by the social partners and the employees
  • Lead meetings with social partners and negotiate with the aim of reaching an agreement that will become a new social standard within the company
  • Ensure the proper implementation of the agreements reached and communicate with the social partners on the progress of the operations
  • Informing the company's management on the various quantitative and qualitative indicators that enable the social climate to be monitored and the risks of crisis to be anticipated

Why mobilize an interim employment relations director of the interim management firm MANAGERIM?

Our interim managers, experts in labor relations management, have previous successful experience in companies of various sizes and sectors and in high-stakes situations (taking over the function, supporting major changes, crisis management, transformation, etc.), which enables them to adapt to new situations rapidly and to be immediately operational.

Our directors or managers of social relations are involved in high value-added missions in a variety of situations:

  • Temporary replacement at short notice of a Director of Social Relations (Legal and Social Manager, Social Affairs Manager, Social Management Manager, etc.)
  • Organization and animation of social dialogue (e.g. implementation of CSE: organization of elections, co-leadership of the Central Works Council...) and management of social communication and multi-plant coordination
  • Control of the regulatory compliance of HR practices
  • Management of the relationship with the Labor Administration
  • Conducting collective negotiations (e.g. on professional equality, profit-sharing, etc.)
  • Negotiation and drafting of agreements
  • Ongoing advice to executives, managers and HR teams on employment law
  • Development of a climate favorable to the exchanges and the cooperation with the staff representatives
  • Support for structuring projects of organization, reorganization, transformation, merger... (communication, information-consultation, negotiation...)
  • Implementation of Employment Protection Plans or Voluntary Departure Plans, if necessary
  • Management of social litigations in interaction with internal stakeholders and lawyers
  • Crisis management (e.g. COVID crisis, implementation of an emergency recovery plan, etc.)
  • Change management support

Throughout their assignments, our interim managers are supported by one of our partners, who guarantees the quality of the assignment and the methodology developed by MANAGERIM.

Are you looking for an interim social relations manager?

Rely on our interim management firm MANAGERIM to rapidly mobilize the best interim manager profile


Our team is at your disposal and will rapidly mobilize the most adapted interim manager to your situation and your challenges.