Interim Management in Rennes and the Brittany Region
The interim management firm MANAGERIM, offers you interim managers in Rennes and the Brittany region (Brest, Quimper, Lorient, Vannes, Saint-Malo, Saint-Brieuc, Lannion, Pontivy etc.).
All of our interim managers were carefully selected through a rigorous and demanding process.
Find an interim manager in Rennes and the Brittany Region
Many companies of all sizes (start-ups, SMEs, midcaps, large groups, investment funds) and all sectors (industry, retail, services, etc.), based in the Brittany region, face emergency situations or the need to rapidly transform.
Interim management is now recognized as a managerial solution to meet such challenges and drive change.
Contact MANAGERIM, your interim management company to mobilize an interim manager in Rennes and the Brittany Region
MANAGERIM, an expert interim management company, rapidly mobilizes the interim manager with the profile best suited for each situation for its clients in Rennes and the Brittany region (Brest, Quimper, Lorient, Vannes, Saint-Malo, Saint-Brieuc, Lannion, Pontivy etc.).
MANAGERIM also operates throughout France and internationally.
Our interim managers have developed a solid track record of intervention in various situations in:
• relay/interim management - replacement of a manager on short notice
• operational reinforcement
• project management
• performance improvement
• process optimization
• crisis management
• restructuring and turnaround
• transformation management
• growth acceleration
• launch of a new activity
• integration of an acquisition
• managing a carve out
• company digitalization
Our vast community of experts brings together interim managers, executives and leaders in all functions of the company, in top and middle management and in diverse sectors of activity.
Our interim managers are men and women selected after a rigorous and demanding process, as much for their expertise as for their interpersonal skills.
Economic dynamism in Rennes and the Brittany Region
The Rennes economic region is home to 300,000 jobs in 40,000 companies that ensure the economic development of Rennes in various sectors of activity:
- agri-food with nearly 1,200 farms that can benefit from a dedicated science cluster (Valorial), one of the largest in Europe in this field.
- automotive manufacturing and connectivity.
- telecommunications and IT, within the framework of the competitive cluster «Images et Réseaux».
- tourism: Rennes is located near the Gulf of Morbihan, Saint-Malo and Mont-Saint-Michel.
- cultural offer is also wide, throughout the year; it is the West’s first commercial hub, and its superbly highlighted rich heritage makes it a captivating city of art and history. This is how Rennes has more than 8,700 tourism jobs, with more than 1,200,000 hotel nights a year.
Rennes is often presented as the «capital» of Brittany. With a strong agricultural tradition, Brittany is also present in:
- agri-food: 1st French production region
- fishing and aquaculture: 1st French fishing region
- digital industry: 2nd French region for R&D
- biotechnology and health: 2nd French region for R&D in digital technologies and 4th e-health region
- eco-activities and marine renewable energy
- technological innovation for defense
- shipbuilding: 1st French region for shipbuilding and repair
- boating
- automotive industry and mobility
- tourism