Interim Management in Africa
The interim management firm MANAGERIM provides interim managers in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia...), West Africa (Senegal or Ivory Coast...), East Africa, Central Africa and South Africa
All of our interim managers were carefully selected through a rigorous and demanding process.
Find an interim manager in Africa
Many companies of all sizes (start-ups, SMEs, midcaps, large groups, investment funds) and all sectors (industry, retail, services, etc.), based in Africa, face emergency situations or the need to rapidly transform.
Interim management is now recognized as a managerial solution to meet such challenges and drive change.
Call on our interim management firm MANAGERIM for your needs to mobilize an interim manager in Africa
MANAGERIM, expert in interim management, rapidly mobilizes for its clients in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia...), West Africa (Senegal or Ivory Coast...), East Africa, Central Africa and South Africa, the interim manager with the profile best suited to the situation concerned.
Our interim managers have developed a solid track record of intervention in various situations in:
- relay/interim management - replacement of a manager on short notice
- operational reinforcement
- project management
- performance improvement
- process optimization
- crisis management
- restructuring and turnaround
- transformation management
- growth acceleration
- launch a new activity
- integration of an acquisition
- managing a carve out
- company digitalization
Our vast community of experts brings together interim managers, executives and leaders in all functions of the company, in top and middle management and in diverse sectors of activity.
Our interim managers are men and women selected after a rigorous and demanding process, as much for their expertise as for their interpersonal skills.
Economic dynamism in Africa
With more than 1.3 billion inhabitants, Africa is the second most populated continent after Asia and will account for 17.2% of the world's population in 2020.
Regional disparities are very significant, and a distinction is generally made between:
- North Africa, bounded to the south by the Sahara
- Sub-Saharan Africa, itself subdivided into four sub-regions
- West Africa,
- East Africa,
- Central Africa,
- Southern Africa, consisting of all the territories located south of the equatorial forest
South Africa and the Maghreb countries are more prosperous than the countries of Central Africa and West Africa. Nigeria is the most populous country (200 million inhabitants in 2020) and the largest market.
The continent is rich in natural resources, mostly exported unprocessed. Africa has the largest mineral reserves in the world:
- 75% of the world's platinum reserves
- 50% of diamond and chromium reserves
- 20% of gold and uranium reserves
- 85% of phosphate reserves
- more than 50% of cobalt reserves
- 33% of bauxite reserves
- coal, copper, iron ore
- The most important mining economies are:
- Guinea (bauxite)
- Liberia, Sierra Leone and Botswana (diamonds)
- Mauritania (iron, oil)
- Niger (uranium, oil)
- Togo (phosphate)
- Democratic Republic of Congo (copper, coltan)
- Zambia (copper)
Africa has 10% of the world's oil reserves and 8% of its natural gas reserves. The major [sub-Saharan] oil economies are Angola, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria and South Sudan.
In North Africa, Algeria and Libya have economies that rely heavily on oil.
Faced with unparalleled population growth and a rural population representing 60% of the total population, agriculture is considered one of the keys to African development.
- African agriculture is characterized by a still too low productivity with a very low quantity of inputs (fertilizers...), the absence of irrigation and mechanization and small farms.
- In addition to food crops, there are also export crops (coffee, cocoa, groundnuts, cotton, etc.), which are based on farms of much larger size and productivity.
- In the fisheries sector, only Morocco (17th in the world) is among the 25 countries that account for 82% of world fishing.
The manufacturing industry has always been a challenge for improving the African economy. However, some countries have succeeded, starting from a situation of mining or agricultural rent, in creating significant processing sectors, generating more added value:
- the Ivory Coast with the processing of fish and wood,
- Senegal with fish processing,
- Botswana, rich in diamonds, with meat processing, animal skin processing, animal feed...,
- Mauritius with the textile industry,
- Tunisia, where industry represents 30% of its GDP,
- South Africa, which alone accounts for between 20 and 30% of continental GDP, with a diversified industry that employs nearly a quarter of the working population and accounts for nearly 30% of its GDP.
Services account for more than 50% of the GDP of the countries concerned and the sector is growing steadily.
- Services mainly accompany export activities, particularly those of manufactured goods.
- The growth of services, in addition to exports, is also caused by domestic consumption.
- Population growth has led to strong demand, particularly for telecommunications, despite the inadequacy of infrastructure.
- A few African countries have explicitly identified services as an economic priority:
- Botswana for computer data entry and analysis
- Cameroon is focusing on call centers and remote data processing
- Rwanda, promoting financial services
- Namibia aims to become a regional transport hub
Tourism in Africa is growing steadily. The continent's top tourist destinations are, in order, Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia and Zimbabwe.
- Some countries are massively dependent on tourism: Cape Verde, Comoros, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Seychelles...