Interim Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Interim management is an effective managerial solution for companies of all sizes to deal with an unprecedented situation, a managerial emergency or to accelerate their transformation.
MANAGERIM, expert in interim management, provides you with interim managers specialized in IT team management and information systems project management everywhere in France, Europe or further internationally (Africa, Asia, Middle East...).
Our community of information systems professionals includes interim managers in top and middle management:
- CIO (Chief Information Officer)
- CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
- Director of Organization and Information Systems
- Information Systems Manager or IT Manager
- IT and Telecommunications Manager
- IT Program Director, IT Project Manager
- Project Management Officer or PMO
- Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
- IT Operations Manager, IT Production Manager, Application Systems Manager
- Data Scientist / Business Intelligence Experts
- Chief Data Officer (CDO)
- Cybersecurity experts
...all possessing:
- solid experience of information systems (in build & run)
- good leadership and a good height of vision
- a thorough knowledge of IT project management methodologies
- sound familiarity with numerous software packages and ERPs (SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, Sage, etc.) and applications or technologies
- a good knowledge of IT partners: software editors, integrators, IT services companies, consulting firms, etc.
- expertise in a number of reference systems and best practices
- specific IT or technical expertise (infrastructure, telecoms, ToIP, RGPD, cybersecurity, RPA, IoT, process digitization, etc.)
- skills in budget management
- expertise in change management and digital transformation
Our interim managers are men and women selected after a rigorous and demanding process, as much for their expertise as for their interpersonal skills.
The missions of an interim CIO
The interim CIO is an experienced manager to whom our client entrusts the temporary deployment of the company's IT policy and the management of IT teams.
The mission of the CIO is to guarantee the continuity of the IT service provided to users and to anticipate changes and their business impacts on the information system.
The missions include various responsibilities:
- Supervise the design and implementation of the IS and maintain it in operational conditions
- Guarantee the continuity of the IT and telecom services provided to users
- Ensure consistency between information systems
- Strengthen the productivity and resilience of the Information Systems organization
- Anticipate changes and guide the choices of the general management in terms of information technology (IT master plan)
- Reinforce the IT strategy and policy (especially in terms of security)
- Ensure the adequacy between the needs of the company's internal customers, the strategy and the IT tools
- Recommend and manage IT investments corresponding to the business needs expressed
- Ensure a technological and legal watch on the evolution of the company's sector in terms of information systems
- Develop the company's IT outsourcing policy
Why call upon an interim information systems manager from the interim management firm MANAGERIM?
Our interim CIOs have previous successful experience:
- in companies of various sizes (from tens to hundreds or thousands of employees) in France or abroad in a multicultural environment
- in multiple sectors: services, retail, food processing, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automotive, aeronautics, mechanics, metallurgy, plastics, packaging, textiles, paper, wood...
- in different contexts (growth, decline, transformation, restructuring, merger, acquisition integration, IS carve out, crisis management...)
They know how to adapt rapidly and be immediately operational.
Our interim managers in information systems intervene on missions with high added value in various situations:
- Temporarily replace a manager at short notice: CIO, CIO, CISO, Director of Organization and Information Systems, IT Director, IT and Telecommunications Director, Chief Information Officer, Business Information Officer, PMO, IT Operations Manager, IT Production Manager, Application Systems Manager, Data Scientists...
- Provide operational support to an IT team during a period of increased activity
- Manage IT teams and contribute to the organization of the activity and the development of skills
- Conduct a flash audit of the IT organization and Information Systems and implement a plan to improve processes and IS performance
- Manage complex projects (implementation of a new ERP, IS carve out, reorganization, restructuring, digital transformation plan, redesign of a master plan, security, automation and digitalization of processes...)
- Manage a crisis
- Change management
Throughout their assignments, our interim managers are supported by one of our partners, who guarantees the quality of the assignment and the methodology developed by MANAGERIM.
Are you looking for an interim CIO?
Call on our interim management firm MANAGERIM to rapidly mobilize the best interim manager profile